Cambridge NZ

Cambridge New Zealand some history resources

  • Such Things Were The Story of Cambridge, N.Z. C.W. Vennell Published by Waikato Independent, Duke Street, Cambridge. 1939
  • Plough Of The Pakeha A Cambridge Regional History Eric Beer / Alwyn Gascoigne For The Cambridge Historical Society 1975
  • Cambridge An Illustrated History 1886-1986 The Centenary Of Local Government In Cambridge Sally K. Parker Cambridge Borough Council ISBN 0-473-00334-1 1986
  • Cambridge NZ 150 Years 1864 – 2014 Eris Parker (a personal reflection on Cambridge New Zealand by former curator of Cambridge Museum). 2014
  • Cambridge Museum website.

Some fun in naming our names BUT there is at least one missing .. can you figure out what name?

Cambridge New Zealand and ..

© Michael Jeans | +64 27 496 3802 | galleries |

Cambridge NZ

Masonic Hotel Cambridge NZ 100 years 22/10/2012

Masonic Hotel Cambridge New Zealand
Masonic Hotel Cambridge New Zealand

Built by my great grandfather Fred Potts 100 years ago and opened on the 22nd of October 1912.

© Michael Jeans | +64 27 496 3802 | galleries |

Cambridge NZ

Cambridge Museum writers and doers

Cambridge NZ writers and doers
Cambridge NZ writers and doers

Proofreading workshop. Members of Cambridge Historical Society, Sunday the 17th of June 2012, at Cambridge Museum, Cambridge New Zealand. Curator Eris Parker has produced a collection of photo books (nine in all I think) about folk who have written about Cambridge (my Mum and Dad are both featured) and those who have left their mark in the Cambridge Museum. There was mulled wine!!


© Michael Jeans | +64 27 496 3802 | galleries |

Cambridge NZ

The Waikato Independent where have I heard that name before?

2011 The Waikato Independent an initiative of Wintec (Waikato Institute of Technology (WINTEC) journalism students within the School of Media Arts based in Hamilton New Zealand. c/w FB

1904-1966 The Waikato Independent established in 1904 in Cambridge New Zealand by David Pirani and celebrated by Cambridge Museum Cambridge New Zealand.

Cambridge NZ

Cambridge Le Quesnoy Friendship Association

Website | Blog

Cambridge NZ

Isn’t she lovely National Hotel Cambridge New Zealand

National Hotel, Cambridge New Zealand
The Nash, Lake Street, Cambridge New Zealand fresh in her new livery beams into the afternoon sun, today, Saturday the 29th of February 2011. After a period of neglect and abandonment tenants of the new (and local) owners are due to move into the refurbished building toward the end of February 2011. As regular readers know the National Hotel has a special place in my heart.

Cambridge NZ

Christmas wrapping, National Hotel, Cambridge New Zealand

National Hotel, Lake Street, Cambridge, New Zealand

Published 16/12/2010

Cambridge NZ

National Hotel, Cambridge, New Zealand; progress at last!

National Hotel, Cambridge, New Zealand

Cambridge NZ Welcome to Cambridge New Zealand

Cambridge Heritage December 2010

Cambridge Heritage December 2010
Also in our mailbox; Cambridge Heritage the monthly newsletter of Cambridge Historical Society Inc. In this issue a report on the 2010 AGM; Michael Coles’ 12/11/2010 President’s report, Monavale Homestead celebrations, La Joie market, The Norm Suckling rowing display and more. Membership of Cambridge Histoprical Society Inc is a whole $15.00 a year; you get to support the valuable work of the society and our Museum and you get the newsletter. You might even find the time to volunteer some of your time!

Cambridge Historical Society Inc. | Cambridge Museum, Old Courthouse, 24 Victoria Street, Cambridge 3434, New Zealand. |

Cambridge NZ

Peace Celebrations outside Cambridge Post Office, June 1919

From Cambridge Museum New Zealand.

Cambridge NZ

What’s on Cambridge New Zealand Monavale Homestead 100 Year Fair

Monavale Homestead 100 Year Fair

This Saturday

20 November 2010

10am – 4pm


3553 Cambridge Road, Monavale

(Cambridge Te Awamutu road)

Monavale Homestead 100 Year Fair this Saturday 20 November 2010 10am – 4pm 100 Year Fair at 3553 Cambridge Road, Monavale, Cambridge, New Zealand (Cambridge Te Awamutu road).

Lake Karapiro Te Awamutu Waipa District

Submerged Histories | Waipa District Te Awamutu Museum opening

Submerged Histories | Waipa District Te Awamutu Museum

Te Awamutu Museum 135 Roche Street, Te Awamutu, New Zealand.

30 October 2010 – 24 January 2011

Published: 28/11/2010

Cambridge NZ Karapiro Hydro Lake Karapiro

Karapiro Hydro Dam – construction

Karapiro Hydro - married quarters Karapiro Hydro - Concrete Silo
Karapiro Hydro - Concrete Silo Karapiro Hydro - Concrete Silo
Karapiro Hydro - Concrete Silo Karapiro Hydro - Concrete Silo
Karapiro Hydro - Concrete Silo Karapiro Hydro - Concrete Silo

As I work on the KWTJubilee some related gems have been turning up – this selection of photos from the Karapiro Hydro Dam construction in the 1940s from a local family album. Roll over each image and read the captions from the back of each snap (52mm (approx.) square contact prints – a Box Brownie of some sort I’m guessing). Thanks to John Fletcher and George Ve Vorms.

Cambridge NZ

Cambridge New Zealand – an historical missed opportunity

In August of 1964, shortly after my 13th birthday, in my last year at Whitehall School and before 1965’s big move to Cambridge High School, Mr Sutcliffe, our headmaster bought us older kids into town, during school time, to see the unveiling of the Fort Street plaque in that special week leading up to the Cambridge Centennial celebrations. Despite the rain and the briefness of the ceremony it is an experience I recall with absolute clarity. An historic event commemorating an historic Cambridge time and place; it enveloped me personally – vividly – in our history.

In recent days, in June of 2010, I became aware of the work to be carried out in the area we shall call the senior citizen’s hall car park – a not insignificant portion of the ‘historic precinct’ bounded by Victoria and Fort Streets and Milicich Place; the area referred to on the Fort Street plaque.

I took little notice until Wednesday (23/6/2010) when I, at last, walked over to have a look – discovering with more than just a little surprise an archaeological ‘dig’ in progress. I spoke briefly with the site manager and took this photograph of her. The significance of this began to dawn on me in the rather haphazard way that things do when you find yourself out of the loop.

Cambridge NZ dig 23/6/2010

12:19PM Wednesday, 23/June/2010

I walked away somewhat confused and with the promise to return with the means to photograph the site from on high – something it was suggested – was not in the budget. On Wednesday evening I arranged with real estate photographer Jason Tregurtha to use his high tech elevated photography rig to record the site.  Unfortunately this was not to be. I have been kicking myself for the past two days for not having had the presence of mind to ask how much longer the dig would be in progress. Returning to the site 24 hours after my first visit I found the dig all but covered over.

Cambridge Senior Citizen's Hall car park 24/6/2010

12:22PM Thursday, 24/June/2010

So, who could have exercised the foresight, the leadership, the imagination, indeed, who if anyone, has the responsibility or the authority to have grabbed the opportunity to share this with the rest of us? Not in the future, not as a report, but as it was happening.  Who has the responsibility for advocating our cultural and historical heritage? In the week we were being encouraged to celebrate voluntarism who missed the opportunity to seek docents or interpreters – even security – from our community for this project?

Here is a list of the statutory, community, ad hoc and informal offices(ers) who may or may not have had a say in this –  indeed who may have been consulted (or not) – in no particular order: Waipa District Council staff, our elected Waipa representatives, the Cambridge Historical Society Inc. (of which I am a member), the curator of Cambridge Museum, the Waipa District iwi liaison officer, the Waipa Heritage Council (an informal committee of Waipa District Council), the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, the New Zealand Archaeological Association.

I feel let down by those responsible for the care and stewardship of our heritage. What a lost opportunity. Lost a teaching moment – an investment in our future.  Lost a time to savour and share – the opportunity for contemplation and reflection on our heritage. With leadership, effective communications and planning the management of this project in terms of cost, time frame and security could / should have factored community enthusiasm, knowledge and expertise into the dig for the benefit of us all.

We did the elevated shot anyway – for the record – thanks Jason.

Elevated shot Senior Citizen's Hall car park Cambridge

1:38PM Saturday, 25/June/2010 Photo credit: Jason Tregurtha

© Michael Jeans | +64 27 496 3802 | galleries |

Cambridge NZ

Cambridge New Zealand – Jason Tregurtha


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Cambridge NZ

Cambridge New Zealand – green on green

Masonic green

Cambridge NZ

Cambridge New Zealand – Cambridge Transport

Cambridge Transport

Who do you recognise in this photo? The names are coming but if you wish to help please email me or reply in the comments section below.
Cambridge Transport
Clicking on either photo it will take you to a larger version (use your browser back button to return here).
ref. Jim Sullivan

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Karapiro Karapiro Hydro Taotaoroa Whitehall NZ

CENTENARY 100 Years of Education in the Taotaoroa Whitehall Karapiro Districts. 1885 — 1985

This is a digitized version of CENTENARY 100 Years of Education in the Taotaoroa Whitehall Karapiro Districts. 1885 — 1985 researched and complied by Phyllis Jeans, typed by Lesley Sewell and published in October 1985.

This document also appears here.

Cambridge NZ

Cambridge Museum April 2010

A short film made for Cambridge Museum – do visit when you have the time to enjoy the historical treasures and stories of our place. Cambridge Museum, 24 Victoria Street, Cambridge, New Zealand. Tel: +64 7 827 3319.

Cambridge Museum CD Cover

Cambridge Museum CD/DVD Cover

Cambridge NZ

Cambridge Town Hall tea party

Cambridge Festival ladies

Cambridge Christmas Festival Ladies and tea party guests addressed by Waipa mayor Alan Livingston. Another installment in the celebrations for Cambridge Town Hall’s 100th birthday. Apologies for it being rather rough and the sound level low.

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Cambridge NZ

Cambridge railway station

Cambridge railway

The small grassed reserve, beside Lake Street, home to one rimu and one ginko tree, this sign and the kissing gate are all that remains of Cambridge branch railway station. More about Cambridge railway.

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Cambridge NZ

Centenary concert greeters Cambridge NZ

Concert greeters on the steps of Cambridge Town Hall

Cambridge Town Hall Centenary concert greeters on the steps of the town hall Cambridge New Zealand 19th of November 2009.

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Cambridge NZ

100 year birthday cake Cambridge Town Hall

Cambridge Ward Waipa District Councillor Barbara Taranaki with Waipa District Mayor Alan Livingston cut Cambridge Town Hall’s 100th birthday cake today Thursday the 19th of November 2009.

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Cambridge NZ

Photo Op. Cambridge Museum

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Cambridge NZ

Cambridge Museum

Waiting for the official bit

Waiting in the front garden of Cambridge Museum at 24 Victoria Street for the ‘official opening’ of the museum’s new exhibitions layout. Today signifies a milestone in the transition begun in June 2008 of the transfer of management of the museum from the Cambridge Historical Society (who retain ownership of the collection) to our local body authority the Waipa District Council. Today’s celebration acknowledges also the centenary of the opening, in 1909, of the museum’s home since 1984 the Cambridge Courthouse.

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Cambridge NZ

Cambridge Heritage

Cover photo: Cambridge Heritage Newsletter July 2009 ©Cambridge Historical Society Inc. Remember this.

Cover photo is Bruce Jeans in the Courthouse Display with his picture frames he made from some rimu dado we have in offsite storage. Bruce is grandson of Fred Potts who built the Cambridge Courthouse in 1909.

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Cambridge NZ Family

Fred Potts Ctd.

Celebrating Fred Potts – the story is here – Dad, at Cambridge Museum, with one of the frames he made from timber reclaimed from Cambridge Courthouse – built by Fred Potts – his grandfather.

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Cambridge NZ Karapiro Taotaoroa Whitehall NZ

Bullrush or kingasini

We are thinking about school around here today – for a couple of reasons. Dad is writing up his memories and I have been involved for the past six weeks or so in preparatory meetings for the Karapiro, Whitehall, Taotaoroa and Karapiro Hydro district schools 125th Jubilee we will celebrate in September next year. This week we launched the website which will be used to publicize the celebrations. Dad, my sister and brother and I attended Whitehall primary; my mother went to Taotaoroa. The history of all four schools – two of which no longer exist – are bound up with one another. Check out the website if you are interested.

Dad (at Whitehall in the 1930s) asks me about the word kingasini. Yes, we played bullrush or kingasini in the 1950s and 1960s – at Whitehall (I recall we used the two names interchangeably – or were there two variations each having their own name – a vague memory is saying yes). I have a photograph here which shows the exact place we used to play it – the large bare patch in the lower portion of this photo – an area that was later grassed.

Whitehall School Archive

I can find three references to Kingasini: Tommy Kapai‘s delightful 29th September 2008 Bay of Plenty Times article Ding-dong of bullrush can teach our kids plenty (Omanu School). John Saunders’ Memories from Onehunga Primary School… on Old Friends and  Kitty Arnold (Whelan) Memories from St Pius X School (Glen Innes)… also on Old Friends. Wikipedia mentions bullrush as an antipodean variant of the British game Bulldogs and provides a whole lot of other names but not Kingasini – I wonder where the name came from?

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Karapiro Taotaoroa Whitehall NZ

Taotaoroa Whitehall Karapiro districts

The Jubilee website.

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Cambridge NZ

Cambridge newspapers

Word about is that there are serous moves afoot to set up in competition to Fairfax‘s Cambridge Edition. There is some agreement around town that, in recent months, ‘The Edition’ has lost it. Too much soft news, much of it provided, and not enough of the real stuff a community needs to know about itself. And then there are those tabloid headlines. BTW yesterday’s Radio New Zealand National MediaWatch looked at moves within Fairfax [Podcast 26’08”] which will impact print news gathering across the board let alone in small markets, such as ours, which they currently dominate.

Whitehall NZ

Whitehall school 1973

The Whitehall School I went to (1956-1962) photographed in September 1973. The full set of photographs taken at the time – as yet unannotated – is here.

Cambridge NZ

Cambridge railway

A railway line lay here between 1884 and 1999. The Cambridge branch line joined the network at Ruakura and terminated at Lake Street beside Lake Te Koutu. Passing through Matangi, Bruntwood and Hautapu it offered passenger services until 1946. The line terminates at Fonterra Hautapu now – a freight only service. The truck to the left travels the last few metres of SH1B which leaves SH1 at Taupiri and links back into SH1 at the St Andrew’s Church corner just over my left shoulder. The coming of the Waikato Expressway, the demise of this railway line – things to ponder as the price of oil rises and today, Tuesday the 1st of July 2008, many celebrate the return to public ownership of ‘KiwiRail‘ after a decade and a half in private ownership.

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Cambridge NZ

Cambridge history

Cambridge history

Cambridge Court House has been home to the Cambridge Historical Society since 1984. Yesterday, Monday the 23th of June 2008, the society handed the care and administration of its collection, and Cambridge Museum, to the local authority: Waipa District Council. Established in 1956 the Cambridge Historical Society Inc. retains ownership of the collection.

Personal note: Cambridge Court House was built in 1909 by my Great Grandfather Fred Potts.

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Cambridge NZ

Cambridge New Zealand – Historic Places Trust plaque

-Sorry this photo has gone missing in action-

On this height in 1864 the 3rd Waikato Militia Regiment built and occupied the Cambridge Redoubt.

In 1964, in my last year at Whitehall School, I stood in Fort Street and watched the unveiling of this New Zealand Historic Places Trust plaque thanks to a teacher who encouraged such things. I remember feeling, at the time, pride that my town was 100 years old – it seemed such a long time then. I enjoyed, also, the parade from the river through the main street to Victoria Square – a day or so later. I don’t think I have seen so many people in and about the main street since (I have been known to claim that I remember the visit of the queen in 1953 – I’m sure the crowd was bigger – but as I was only 18 months old at the time I very much doubt my ‘recollection’). This photograph was taken on Friday at about one-thirty.

from Cambridge New Zealand Eh! to Zed December 2006-March 2007