Cambridge NZ

1 July 2018

Te Kō Utu Park Cambridge Domain Waikato New Zealand
Te Kō Utu Park Cambridge Domain Waikato New Zealand

On a mission of sorts. Half time. Have been cross posting during June. This will continue during July. Comparing the mechanics and usefulness of web platforms used, or ignored, over the past decade or so. far and away the easier and most elegant posting experience of all; vies with Behance as a digital creatives market space. Dropbox for file naming, transfer, storage & cloud backup. Facebook & Google+, Instagram and this; long overdue (18 months and counting), Google Keep for notes, composition & transfer between devices. (fun & easy to maintain once you know the ropes) built on Adobe Portfolio; comes with Creative Cloud Photography planPinterest (more soon) & Pocket (URL collecting), RocketSpark (Cambridge’s own), keywords (compiled in Google Sheets) and distributed, LinkedIn, Neighbourly (Leamington NZ & etc ..) Tumblr, Twitter, Zenfolio & Blurb, the list goes on ..

Roundabout at Cook, Pope & Victoria Bridge (Waikato River), Leamington, Waikato, New Zealand. 29 June 2018
Roundabout at Cook, Pope & Victoria Bridge (Waikato River), Leamington, Waikato, New Zealand. 29 June 2018

© Michael Jeans | +64 27 496 3802 | galleries |


Cambridge NZ Leamington NZ

Cambridge Marae AGM 7PM 11 October 2011

CCM 2011 AGM

Cambridge Community Marae Annual General Meeting 7pm Tuesday 11 October 2011 at Cambridge Community Marae on the corner of Bracken Street and Pope Terrace, Leamington. All invited and welcome to attend. New committee members sought. See you there! Wally Jones Chairperson telephone: 827 9512

Cambridge NZ Leamington NZ

Cambridge Community Marae, Leamington, New Zealand

Cambridge Community Marae

Published: 28/11/2010

Cambridge NZ Leamington NZ

Cambridge Community Marae AGM

The AGM for Cambridge Community Marae is Wednesday the 22nd of September 2010 at 7pm at the Marae in Pope Terrace, Cambridge. That’s tonight. All are invited and welcome to attend. New committee members are sought. See you there!

Leamington NZ

Victoria Bridge from Pope Terrace

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Leamington NZ

Lauriston Park Leamington New Zealand

Lauriston Park, Leamington New Zealand